Some links are not yet functional - I will repair them after I complete my job search.
Hierarchy of Schemas

In the figure above, we illustrate the hierarchy of schemas that is central to our infrastructure, and facilitates interoperability and reuse for reverse engineering tools and applications. There are two major partitions in our hierarchy: low-level and middle-level; there are five minor partitions in our hierarchy: Levels 0 through 4. The dashed ellipses in the figure represent schemas for graphical representations of code that differ for disparate languages, such as abstract syntax graphs (ASG), and application programming interfaces (API). The solid ellipses in the low-level partition of the figure represent the schemas used in by our tools. The solid ellipses in the middle-level partition of the figure represent schemas for graphical representations of code that are language independent, such as object relation diagrams, and class firewalls. The solid edges in the figure represent the progression of information from a graphical representation at one level to a graphical representation at a subsequent level. The filled arrows indicate that a single instance is needed, while empty arrows indicate that a set of instances are needed.